If you are feeling joy, I am at peace. You have every right to feel a smile upon your face because you are someone who has gone through so much, yet still stand up tall. So, whatever you find yourself laughing at or in joy of as long as it's not harmful to anyone including yourself continue to feel that happiness because you deserve it.

If you are feeling upset, remember time heals all wounds and eventually you will become happy again just like you were before being sad. Do not remanence in whatever caused the sadness for too long because it is trivial. One day the pain will not hurt and heal, I promise. Just give it time and patience.

If you are feeling angry, please take a moment to think before acting next. Sometimes when we become frustrated over something we make extremely stupid decisions. It is best to wait until you aren't angry to make your next move depending on your situation, but do please remember to always put yourself first and that if someone did something wrongfully so to you defend yourself and for what is right.

If you are feeling confused, remember confusion is always caused by lack of information. When faced with confusion ask yourself various questions on what steps to take next. If the confusion is caused by another person, ask questions only if it's safe to do so. I recommend not taking any further steps until you have more information unless you really need to do so

If you are feeling jealous communicate it with the other person and set boundaries. No one should be making you feel like you are any less. If the other party does not understand this then do not be jealous over someone whom does not value you so why should you value them. This should give you enough peace to move on.